Wednesday 23 December 2015

The Peak District

Well, it has been a while since I last wrote a blog retelling our adventures living in the UK. I could say that for a bit, the weather was too beautiful NOT to enjoy. I could tell you I got busy working. Frankly, I was being lazy. Shame on me. However, I will have more than ONE blog to update you on.

The husband, the dog, and I drove out to the Peak District for a semi-spontaneous adventure. The Peak District was the first National Park in the UK. Within the Peak District you can find various landscapes from the moors to the sharp peaks to underground caverns. There are also many places of interest. I would guess that the Peak District's popularity probably arose from classic literature. Jane Austen wrote about the Peak District, Derbyshire in Pride and Prejudice. Still, anyone that would venture through this part of the country would no doubt be in awe!

We stayed at the Monsal Head Hotel just outside the town of Bakewell and along the Monsal Trail, a 16 mile hiking trail. The views from the hotel area were spectacular! The hotel itself was a little on the pricey side, but all is forgotten once you see the views.

What would an adventure be without a little mishap? While descending from the Monsal Trail to the National Forest, I, being the klutz I am, fell and muddied up my clothes somewhat. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but we were barely 5 minutes in and I already had fallen! We continued our adventure walking through the forest park. The scenery was just gorgeous! We walked around until it started getting dark and headed back to our hotel.

The next morning, we work to a rainy day. We would have stayed a second night, but the weather just didn't seem as if it was going to cooperate for what we had planned, unfortunately, outdoorsy plans. We didn't see Chatsworth house or get to explore any caverns, but we did stop in Bakewell for Bakewell's famous Bakewell Tart! If you're ever in the area, the Bakewell Tart and Coffee Shop is delicious, and not just the tarts! We did walk around the city centre a bit before heading home.

We will have to go back again to explore some more of the area and do some of the things we didn't get to do.

1 comment:

  1. The tart looks delicious but the scenery is so beautiful it looks unreal. Thanks for sharing another great adventure with all of us.
