Wednesday 29 October 2014

My life in boxes

We've been in England for 2 months now, give or take a few days. Unfortunately when we came over, our belongings were still on its way... estimated arrival- end of October. At first it didn't seem like 2 months would be so hard to live without our stuff. I mean we had some things, clothes, air mattress, phones, and lap top. We purchased some cheap pots and pans (and when I say cheap, I mean poor quality!) to make simple dinners. What I took for granted were all the kitchen accessories that make it easy to make a meal. We've been eating off throw-away plates and plastic silverware. Lucky for us, our friends Holly and Anthony let us mooch off of them and use their kitchen and living room. 

Well, here we are, at the end of October, and I can say I've never been so HAPPY to see boxes and boxes of stuff! It's almost like Christmas came early- rediscovering all that we have. Nothing can put a damper on the joy of being able to cook and bake again! The only downside is organizing everything in a new place and feeling like things are missing The movers that pack our belongings in the states and the ones that unloaded our stuff here were really great and helpful. We did have a few damaged items- couple deep scrapes on our dresser and dining table, broken leg on the sofa, broken handle on my griddle... Still, our new place is starting to feel like a home (despite that our downstairs is now covered in empty boxes)! 

The next few days (and possibly weeks) will be organizing all the little things. Poor Jacob may have to help me move furniture around until I figure out how I like it!

We haven't really gone anywhere since London. However, we did go to this Holiday Bazaar that had a bunch of local vendors. It was really neat to see culture, tradition, and art. We followed up the Bazaar with the Ely Apple Festival. We tried some apple ciders and juices and saw Morris Dancing- a traditional style of dance in England. I even got varieties of tulips to plant for spring.    

1 comment:

  1. David wants you to post a blog on local British ghosts for Halloween please. He loves Halloween LOL! I'm so very glad you guys got your things, the things that help your space feel like your own. But most of all I'm grateful that you and Jacob have had the opportunity to experience filling up your space with the memories you have been making together and the moments you have been sharing with good friends and all these wonderful things with such a limited amount of "things". I liked the pictures you posted of the Morris Dancing at the Apple Festival, I had not ever heard of that. I am so proud of you two for the way you have accepted all your recent challenges with such grace and resilience and the way you have been so supportive of each other. I love you with all my heart. Great blog!
