Sunday 5 October 2014


Last weekend (Sept. 27) we decided to head to the East Coast... Of England. The Great Yarmouth to be exact. We didn't have an kind of itinerary but going for a nice drive and seeing the sights. We decided on our way we'd stop at the Broads, which is a forest, a really big forest.

We followed the road signs since the road signs and our GPS didn't agree.. Eventually, we ran out of road signs indicating where we could find a designated area to explore. We back tracked our way back to the main highway; taking a detour to see if another way led to the Broads, but again, no luck.

Once we made it back to the main road, we decided to follow the GPS to the Broads. The GPS took us to the middle of nowhere, to a big open field, and not a forest. Completely baffled, we decided to continue our journey to the coast. However, it seems that was not to be our fate. Our "new to us" vehicle started spitting out oil from the exhaust. 

There we were, on some back road/private road that didn't seem to be used often, miles from base in a country we were still getting accustomed to. Accustomed, as in realizing that most towing companies operated from 12 am to 12 pm, and it was 12:30 pm. After probably 5+ failed attempts to reach towing services that didn't specify hours of operations on their site, we reached one that would be able to get us back to base. 

The good side to being stranded on some back country road was the view. The day was gorgeous and warm. There was a field with a small windmill in the distance. Another field had cows, swans, and an worn old bridge that went over this small stream covered in green algae. The road sign picture below is where our car broke down :(

I think, for me, it's going to be a little while before I'll be able look back on this day and laugh and say "remember when". However, despite the stress over the car breaking down; overall, the day was nice. The day was spent with great friends and full of adventure... Or maybe misadventure?

1 comment:

  1. Even though your day was filled with frustrating issues like navigation discrepancies and car problems, you were able to find the beauty in your surroundings and appreciate the good company of loved ones and friends. That is no misadventure at all and describes your ability to see the good in a trying moment. The frustrations were not the whole road they were just little potholes. The forest and the coast aren't going anywhere and offer a great opportunity for you guys to pick another day to explore what they have to offer. I love reading yor blog and I love you. Thanks for sharing :-)
